The full moon on October 1st is known as the Harvest Moon. This moon takes on this title instead of a traditional name it may have been given because it is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. The Harvest moon is the most culturally celebrated moon throughout ancient history. Before there was electricity, farmers depended on the bright light of this moon to harvest their crops late into the night.
Harvest symbolizes the provisions that are made for us and the blessings we can be to others because of it. The harvest is the result of previous actions taken in a process or event. What have you been navigating since 2008? The answer to this question could potentially have huge meaning for you now. Although we only celebrate harvest once a year, our experience of God's provision and the spirit of harvest last year round.
FULL MOON RITUAL: WISH GRANTED (detailed meaning and symbolism)
In the full moon ritual that was posted to Instagram you start off by gathering oak tree leaves that have fallen to the ground. The lesson of the oak tree is knowing that powerful things come from small beginnings. You may be close to giving up on a long cherished goal because things have seem to have become too hard, too boring or no tangible results have been seen. The message is to never give up. In this ritual you are drawing on the strength of the oak tree's energy, which is resilient, to push you forward and continue your work.
- The lavender essential oil is use for cleansing, protection and blessings.
- Water symbolizes life because it is a major part of all living things and has the ability to nourish them.
- The act of washing the hands takes on the form of "water as spirit" symbolizing a spiritual cleansing in preparation for the work that is still left to do and the need for clean, pure, and honest action.
- The white paper towel symbolizes hope, love and your commitment to clear yourself of past mistakes. It represents a blank slate towards your future. You have the ability to create whatever you focus on now.
- The white candle repels negativity. It is use to bring peace, spiritual strength, truth, and purity. It heals emotions and provides protection.
- The flame symbolizes cleansing and purification, yet also the word of God in action. Fire purifies man and manifests itself as man's eternal life.
- The green apple symbolizes spiritual knowledge and the expression of a harmonious organic life.
- The green pen symbolizes growth, renewal and rebirth.
- The labyrinth is symbolic of endurance and strength as we journey through the mysteries of life.
Alicia M. Burks
Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Mindset Coach.