She stopped going out in public. She didn't want to be around people because when they whispered, laughed or looked her way, then proceeded to turn and speak with the companion accompanying them, she questioned herself... Were they talking about her? "Maybe, it's the fat hanging over the waits line of my jeans." or "Could it be my hair, it really looks a mess today." "Oh God, this outfit does look kind of cheap." She thought.
Does this remind you of someone? If so, then this is your sign. Take it for what it is. Do you even love yourself?
Why is it that we can be our own worst critic or what biblical text would call our own worst enemy. It seems we have no trouble in doing so, as a matter of fact, it's easy and at times we can go the extra mile for it? Wouldn't you say? However, this kind of thinking can lead to a lifetime of unfulfilled potential that is devoid of passion. I have a question to ask...
What does loving yourself really look like?
25 Ways to Love You More
I've been on my own personal journey the past few months that has lead me to question the love I genuinely have for myself. I believe many people ponder this idea, of putting or thinking of others first, as the ultimate standard that we should live up to in order to be decent human beings at the end of our lives. However, I believe this is the wrong perspective to take. Think of it this way, you have to work on yourself first, before you will ever be put into a position that allows you to think or act on a higher purpose for the blessings that success has given you. Doesn't that make sense, but most importantly doesn't it feel right?
Most people expect love to be easy, but I want you to dive deeper in an effort to think of the last time you wholeheartedly loved someone other than yourself. Was it easy? Think about the things you had to pick your battles with, the sacrifices you made to support them, or the time and energy you had to put into developing the relationship. Now imagine yourself giving that same kind of effort to yourself. Have you truly been loving on you?
If you have any doubts right now, I want to help you sort it out, but most importantly I want to give you some information that can help you get 25 steps closer to putting a bit more love into yourself.
1. Commit to your personal vision. What is your highest vision for yourself? What are the key steps you have to take in order to get there?
2. Believe in yourself. The first step to achieving your goals is to believe you can reach them. What limiting beliefs may be holding you back from cultivating the life you want? What can you do to change your current belief system.
3. Think and be positive. We all, from time to time, have negative thoughts that enter our conscience mind without warning. When a negative thought enters your mind immediately change that thought by thinking an opposite which is of course a positive thought. Repeat the positive thought to replace the negative thought should it arrive in your conscience mind again.
4. Live in the present moment. Life in the present is too precious to waste time thinking about the past and planning heavily for the future. If you do, you could risk enjoying your right now!
5. Have a sense of urgency.Treat yourself and your goals like you would treat a customer. Make your development a priority! Take planned out action to reach goals.
6. Set boundaries. Boundaries are healthy and can help you reach goals by putting a halt to overextending yourself, which can in turn leave less time and energy for you to fuel your goals.
7. Focus on your goals. Take time out to write down your goals, then write out the steps you need to take in order to accomplish them. Plan your projects in a planner.
8. Maintain or develop a growth mindset. Your mindset is so important in changing your habits, patterns and beliefs. Mindset is the key to development and attaining goals.
9. Invest in yourself. Spend money to invest in your development. Take classes, join a mentorship program or get a coach.
10. Eat Healthy.
11. Meditate.
12. Read or listen to books.
13. Drink more water.
14. Exercise regularly.
15. Take care of your skin.
16. Invest more care into your style and appearance.
17. Laugh more.
18. Be patient with yourself.
19. Let go of negativity.
11. Meditate.
12. Read or listen to books.
13. Drink more water.
14. Exercise regularly.
15. Take care of your skin.
16. Invest more care into your style and appearance.
17. Laugh more.
18. Be patient with yourself.
19. Let go of negativity.
20. Be kind to yourself.
21. Work on your spiritual development.
22. Cling to the good things in life.
23. Honor yourself.
24. Be more social.
25. Trust yourself.
21. Work on your spiritual development.
22. Cling to the good things in life.
23. Honor yourself.
24. Be more social.
25. Trust yourself.